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Thursday 6 February 2020

How does eczema cause dehydrotic and eczema treatment

Hello friends, today we are talking about the disease of eczema, eczema is a skin disorder that is found in many people and despite this, the condition remains that people who have this disease are very much affected by this disease. Do not take seriously often, start thinking about this disease when people get too much or they feel too much trouble due to this disease. Before talking, let's try to understand what is the disease of eczema, what is the red coloured hive on it, it's bursting, itching, excessive redness, swelling, which is known as eczema. Usually, there are many types of this but broadly it is divided into dry and wet eczema. All symptoms are a happy and dry cycle. Micro Redness keeps all that has been dry stays dry itchy it is considered dry eczema and there are times when too much is growing or in infancy has also become water is felt on the discharge.

Next, we talk about what are the reasons that cause eczema disease:

There is no specific reason about the disease of eczema, it is a special kind of allergy that occurs in the condition of exposure to a particular allergen, in addition to the immunity power of the body, many times that too. One becomes sensitive to a particular thing and when a parturic religion is with the contact body, then the immunity system hyper-rejects and due to that the skin Symptoms of eczema are also more likely to be found in people who have a history of some allergic place in their family, anyone who has had eczema before in the family is more likely to develop it. Both men and women have this disease and usually, this problem is more common in children and sometimes it is as if they survived. As Cha gets older, more than half of the children also get cured on their own, usually, children up to 1 year have more problems but they are unable to tell that we are getting itchy but as they get older. It gets cured at times, it is increased a lot, it starts descending from the thin layer of the screen as it is usually seen in the form of psoriasis. Eczema's patient is sometimes your working environment can also increase the problem of a boundary, for example, if you work in a chemical factory or your work is something that is very much If you remain in contact with chemicals, then at that time this problem of eczema becomes more, if too much pollution environment is formed around you, then it can also cause an eczema disease.

Diagnosis of eczema

Today there is not just one vegetable for you, after this, it will become a medicinal plant for you, this plant has a cute name, bitter gourd we will discuss its medicinal properties, brothers, we know some of its properties, this bitter gourd is not just a fruit. Its leaves are its flowers, it is a flower, this whole bitter gourd is very beneficial for you, people who somehow have skin diseases because they are purified in skin diseases. Juice or if you consume only the juice of bitter gourd regularly is very beneficial for skin disease and your problem is also very good in diabetes. This is a divine medicine, surely bitter gourd is only a The bitter gourd is not just a vegetable, but you must have understood that bitter gourd is the leader, it is going to fill the sweetness of our life. Those who have an itchy rash, that bitter gourd leaves And to massage the juice of ground leaves of the Azadirachta indica skin disease which is between your itching massage to just this kind of disease is sudden potent properties are well and bitter food.
One is Azadirachta indica and second is the benefits of Giloy Giloy. Itching from Giloy. Platelet deficiency. Swine flu Dengue Chikungunya Any kind of viral any kind of household items. For whom Azadirachta indica Giloy and Aloe vera cleanse the blood of many types of allopathy. Aloe vera is so much itchy when you are in a state of many medicines of Ayurveda, it cures immediately and the person who eats aloe vera has a skin. Lives like a baby's skin.


If you are troubled by itching, then along with the treatment, you have to keep some types of abstinence so that your itch does not increase, now you are satisfied with medicines, then your itching will not be eliminated. First of all, keep your body clean and wear clean clothes. And whenever the clothes are dried, you should stay away from the food that causes itching, that is, the things that are medicines, and it should take care of the following things:
  1. Sour things don't eat fried things
  2. Take a bath with neem leaves
  3. Always wash neem oil or coconut oil on the body after bathing
  4. Keep the body clean and wear clean clothes only
  5. Drink more water
  6. Eat green vegetables in moderation
  7. Keep young children away from you

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